Automic Automation task tooltips disappear with the slightest movement of the mouse
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Automic Automation task tooltips disappear with the slightest movement of the mouse


Article ID: 368261


Updated On: 07-19-2024


CA Automic Workload Automation - Automation Engine


When hovering over a task object in a workflow, for example, a tooltip will pop up to the side of the task:

If you move your mouse at all, even the tiniest movement, the tooltip will disappear.
The only way to get the tooltip to return is to move the mouse and change focus to either another task or the empty space of the workflow, then move it back again to the task you want to view the tooltip for. 


Automic AWI versions 21.and 24


This has been determined to be a defect. 


The defect has been fixed and released with version 21.0.11

The 24.2 release is still to be announced.