Local users such as “admin” are able to login to the Portal.
All LDAP users are getting an error “Authorization Failure”
When we use the SSO Config utility to test the LDAP we are getting this message:
Choose an option > 5
SSO Configuration/DX NetOps/Test LDAP
Enter username > testuser
Enter password >
The UserBind option has been selected. We will now perform the first bind with the LdapConnectionUser and LdapConnectionPassword supplied in the SSO Config utility.
ldapSearchDomain = ldap://,DC=com
ldapTimeout = 10000
DirContext.SECURITY_PRINCIPAL = CN=specadmin,OU=Service Accounts,OU=Clients,DC=Companyname,DC=com
Could not obtain a DirectoryContext.
javax.naming.AuthenticationException: [LDAP: error code49 - 80090308: ldapErr: DSID-0c090569, comment: AcceptSecurityContext error, data 532, v4563]
Logon failure: the specified account password has expired.
Bind to the directory failed.
DX NetOps: All Supported Versions
This is the LDAP configuration in use as seen in the SSO Config utility:
Connection User: CN=specadmin,OU=Service Accounts,OU=Clients,DC=Companyname,DC=com
Connection Password: *********
Search Domain: ldap://,DC=com
Search String: (sAMAccountName={0})
Search Scope: Subtree
User Bind: Enabled
Account User: {sAMAccountName}
Account User Default Clone: nologin
Group: <LDAPGroups><Group searchtag=”memberof” searchString=”CN=portal_admins,OU=Admin Groups,DC=Companyname,DC=com” user=”{sAMAccountName}” passwd=”” userClone=”admin”/>
Status: Enabled
Timeout: 10000
With this configuration, the initial contact to the LDAP host is made by the LDAP service account specadmin.
Then the user trying to login has their password checked for access.
As the error states, the password for the service account specadmin has expired.
So the user never gets passed to LDAP for verification.
Reset or enable the password for the specadmin service account in LDAP
Please note:: in the examples for this techdoc the user = specadmin
This is a random user created for this purpose.