When should I execute a DEFRAG against my IXX770 database file for CA 7?
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When should I execute a DEFRAG against my IXX770 database file for CA 7?


Article ID: 36824


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CA 7 Workload Automation


 Why does the following message occur in the CA 7 STC during initialization time and again directly after midnight?

*CAL2SM00I Area: IXX DBID: 0770 Full: nn.nn%

*CAL2SM01W Area: IXX DBID: 0770 Full: nn.nn%

The CA 7 STC will generate a CAL2SM00I on each database file at during initialization time and again directly after midnight to show the current allocations of each CA Datacom/AD area.

The CA 7 STC will generate a CAL2SM01W indicating that the CA WA CA 7 Edition is over 80 percent in its current allocation.  The situation could cause CA 7 outage if the area gets full.




Component: 7


INDEX %  Full


Run the  DBUTLTY from the CAL2JCL(AL2DBFRG) install library at any time while the CA 7 STC is active or inactive.  The parm ‘DEFRAG’ must be present to reclaim any unused space.

Note:  The DEFRAG option can only be used for the IXX770.


The following DBUTLTY can be submitted to reclaim the unused space.

//AL2DBFRG JOB (ACCTINFO),PGMR,CLASS=A,MSGCLASS=A                              

//*  Sample job to defragment CA Datacom Index.                                

//*  This job may run while CA 7 is active.                                    

//DEFRAG   EXEC PGM=DBUTLTY,REGION=6M                                          

//STEPLIB  DD DISP=SHR,DSN=datacomhlq.CUSLIB                                                

//                 DD DD DISP=SHR,DSN=datacomhlq.CAAXLOAD                                          

//SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=*                                                         

//SYSIN    DD *                                                                 

 DEFRAG DBID=770                                                               


Schedule the AL2DBFRG job in CA 7 to run bi-weekly for efficiency and to reclaim space in the IXX.