Many users have duplicate accounts on the Provisioning server. How can we remove the duplication
Identity Manager 14.4 CP2 CHF1
An OU move in AD and Explore Correlate create duplicate entries in the Provisioning Directory
1)The Account templates were missing from all the users with duplicate accounts
used the below query to search users in the Provisioning directory with blank account templates
-s sub "(&(objectclass=eTADSAccount)(!(eTPolicyDN=*))(eTADSemployeeID=*)(!(eTADSemployeeID=0)))" etADSGlobalUserName eTADSemployeeID
2) From this output ldif file, extracted the Global User and used that to find the inclusion ids .(&(eTSuperiorClassEntry=*globalusername*)(eTSubordinateClassEntry=*adendpointname*))
3) The output of the above query is used to create dxdelete file. dxdelete -v -h host:20394 -D "eTDSAContainerName=DSAs,eTNamespaceName=CommonObjects,dc=etadb" -w *** "eTInclusionID=1a885572-476e-4a5f-82d8-9525dd2c905a@0cc65664-a2c3-103e-8acf-a99fe48783ca,eTSubordinateClass=eTADSAccount,eTSuperiorClass=eTGlobalUser,eTInclusionContainerName=Inclusions,eTNamespaceName=CommonObjects,dc=im,dc=etadb“
4) After deleting all inclusions, ran the explore correlate to correlate accounts back .