How to decommission an LPAR due to change in machine type
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How to decommission an LPAR due to change in machine type


Article ID: 368205


Updated On: 05-22-2024


MCL LPAR Changes


Last month, we migrated from an older machine type to a new machine type.  We wish to decommission the older machine type 


Broadcom SCRT 1.0 
Common Services r15.0


Installed updated machine type and want to decommission the old.  


Decommissioning of machines should be done by the customer on the SCRT Portal by the Admin for that support site ID. Instructions for the customer on how to decommission the machines can be found on the portal under the Need Help tab on the website, 

 If you are an SCRT Account Administrator, you can review the machine serial numbers for a Broadcom Support Site ID to see which ones are active or inactive. You can also change the status of the serial number:
1. Select sites from the navigation bar
2. Select the Broadcom Support Site id for the serial number
3. The site details appear, including the status of its machine serial numbers.
4. Select the Modify button.
5. Select a new status (Active, Decommissioned, or DR/Failover/Swapped) for one or more of the serial numbers. If you select Decommissioned, or DR/Failover/Swapped, also select a reason in the Feedback field.

Additional Information

For status definitions and and an explanation of how decommission dates are recorded, in the system, please see Administrating in the SCRT Report Management documentation available on the Broadcom Customer Support portal.