How to configure 3 VSE into one Registry.
I can run following command and map all VSE into one registry
"VirtualServiceEnvironment -m registry ip".
However I want to know, when I run VirtualServiceEnvironmentService , what is the configuration to be made?
All supported DevTest releases.
Windows platform.
There are two options to achieve above requirement.
1. Using .vmotpions file:
=> In <LISA_HOME>/bin/ folder make a copy of VirtualServiceEnvironmentService.exe in LISA_HOME/bin for each VSE you want to set up and name them
differently. E.g. - VSEService1.exe, VSEService2.exe, VSEService3.exe ...
=> Create a .vmoptions file for each VSE copy ... e.g. - VSEService1.vmoptions, VSEService2.vmoptions, VSEService3.vmoptions ... what's important is that the
name of the .vmoptions file matches the .exe exactly.
=> We need to change the name each VSE registers as, and the log file that it logs to so they don't clobber each other. Do this by adding the following flags to the
VSE*.vmoptions file (example ... change the name for each VSE):
=> Add each VSE executable you've created as Windows services. You need to be "Administrator" on Windows to do this.
sc create "DevTestVSEService1" binPath= C:\Lisa\bin\VSEService1.exe
sc create "DevTestVSEService2" binPath= C:\Lisa\bin\VSEService2.exe
Note: Space after "=" is must while using sc command.
=> Reopen your services control panel (or hit F5 if you already had it open to refresh) and the new services should be there. You can tweak additional settings (like
auto start at boot) from the services control panel.
2. Using -m option while creating new service:
=> New windows services can be directly created using existinf VSEService executable. You need to be "Administrator" on Windows to do this.
sc create "DevTestVSEService1" binPath= "C:\DevTest\bin\VirtualServiceEnvironmentService.exe -m tcp://ipaddress:2010/Registry"
sc create "DevTestVSEService2" binPath= "C:\DevTest\bin\VirtualServiceEnvironmentService.exe -m tcp://ipaddress:2010/Registry"
Note: Space after "=" is must while using sc command.
=> Reopen your services control panel (or hi t F5 if you already had it open to refresh) and the new services should be there. You can tweak additional settings (like
auto start at boot) from the services control panel.