Customers often ask for guidance on how to configure hubs for failover so remote/secondary hubs can act as failover hubs where remote (agentless) probes have been deployed. This currently only applies to an environment that doesn't use/rely upon MCS for probe/profile deployment.
Sample HA Config for Hub<->Hub Failover including probe and queues operation
Probes installed and running on Secondary in normal mode of operation.
HA Probe installed and configured on <ABC>_Secondary watching <ABC>_Primary.
Queues and probes listed below from the HA.cfg on a Secondary hub:
queue_0 = action_manager
queue_1 = alarm_manager
queue_2 = data_engine
queue_3 = ems
queue_4 = event_manager
queue_5 = HAProxy01_AlarmDiscovery
queue_6 = HAProxy01_QOS
queue_7 = HAProxy02_AlarmDiscovery
queue_8 = HAProxy02_QOS
queue_9 = legacy_alarm_manager
queue_10 = probeDiscovery
queue_11 = udm_inventory
queue_0 = Secondary_QOSDiscovery
probe_0 = data_engine
probe_1 = ems
probe_2 = ace
probe_3 = wasp
probe_4 = qos_processor
probe_5 = discovery_server
probe_6 = mpse
probe_7 = maintenance_mode
probe_8 = udm_manager
probe_9 = sla_engine
probe_10 = trellis
probe_11 = service_host
Configure data_engine with the same credentials as the Primary data_engine and verify it can login to the database. It is ok to start the data_engine and have them both running for a limited amount of time but make sure that the distsrv is deployed and kept up and running otherwise the data_engine will not start.
Deploy and configure the AdminConsole on <ABC>_Secondary Hub:
How to install a second instance of the web-based Admin Console application on a secondary hub
Secondary hub is configured for adminconsole on port 80
http://<hostname or IP_ADDRESS>
HA Queues need to be configured, but disabled on the Secondary. They will be enabled by the HA probe on failover, with some connecting to other hubs/Proxy Hubs.
The Secondary_QOSDiscovery Queue connects to the Primary Hub during normal operation and is disabled on failover.
Nas replication is running between Primary and Secondary during normal operation so no Alarm Queue is needed.
Proxy Fail-Over
The Proxy hub fail-over is straightforward forward with the 2 <City/Location> Proxy hub servers watching each other, ready to pick up the tertiary Hub Queues if one should fail.
<ABC>_Proxy01 ç=è <ABC>_Proxy02
<ABC>_Proxy01 watches <ABC>_Proxy02 which manages Queues for <ABC>_SiteHub03 and 04.
Example in HA.cfg on <ABC>_Proxy01 which will have Queues enabled if <ABC>_Proxy02 stops.
queue_0 = HASiteHub03_AlarmDiscovery
queue_1 = HASiteHub03_QOS
queue_2 = HASiteHub04_Alarmdiscovery
queue_3 = HASiteHub04_QOS
<ABC>_Proxy02 in turn watches <ABC>_Proxy01 and will enable its Queues to SiteHub01 and 02 if needed.
Using the Infrastructure Manager (IM), under hub->Advanced Settings->General, make sure the ‘paired’ hubs are configured with the same origin. This is important for all high-availability scenarios.