How to find maintenance schedules using CLI in DX NetOps Spectrum?
The association you are looking for is "MAINT_SCHEDULE".
See here:
0x1000074 model_name MAINT_SCHEDULE 0x1000068 Every day from 6 PM for 13 hours
You can use the "show associations" CLI command to look at all the associations a device has:
[spectrum@hostname vnmsh]$ ./show associations mh=0x1000074
LMHandle LMName Relation RMHandle RMName
0x1000004 Universe Collects 0x1000074 model_name
0x1000074 model_name MAINT_SCHEDULE 0x1000068 Every day from 6 PM for 13 hours
Also note that you can use REST API to do the same thing if you prefer to do that over CLI: