XCOM HISTORY report filtered on Destination Definition (DEST name)
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XCOM HISTORY report filtered on Destination Definition (DEST name)


Article ID: 368114


Updated On: 05-28-2024


XCOM Data Transport - z/OS XCOM Data Transport


An XCOM destination definition (DEST) name XCOMGRP1 is defined for a remote XCOM server and want to get a report from the History file that shows all XCOM transfers to/from this destination.
Having looked at the docs. for parameters for a TYPE=HISTORY execution and there do not appear to be any that provides this function.
The DEST name XCOMGRP1 is in the history report but not sure how to filter on it.


The only circumstance where the DEST member name is included in the XCOM history record is when GROUP=destname, or LIST=destname is used in the SYSIN01 parameters to initiate the transfer. For this scenario using OLU=destname will extract those specific transfers (TYPE=HISTORY Parameters).
Otherwise, a simple match of a transfer's LU= or IPNAME= value to a DEST member's LU or IPNAME does not result in the DEST member's name being retained.

In this scenario "GROUP=XCOMGRP1" is being used in the SYSIN01 parameters and using OLU=XCOMGRP1 selected the required records from the history file.

Additional Information

There is actually an ODEST parameter which should be documented on the TYPE=HISTORY Parameters page. However it only applies to TYPE=REPORT transfers and it filters by the JES DEST value.