Upgrade your Database Pre-upgrade task requirements
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Upgrade your Database Pre-upgrade task requirements


Article ID: 368099


Updated On: 05-20-2024


CA Service Management - Service Desk Manager


We need an explanation for the following pre-upgrade task in techdocs for CA SDM 17.4. We have not seen a similar requirement in previous releases.

The section says: Consider the following before upgrading your CA SDM database:
If you are using CA SDM 17.3 and want to upgrade to CA SDM 17.4, run the following commands to a supported database: Backup your existing database using the database backup procedures:
update mdb_schema_information set FileTimestamp='2012-04-23T09:19:09+0000'  where FileName like 'doc_rep.xml'

Pre-upgrade task


Release: 17.+

Components: Service Desk Manager


Upgrade your Database, pre-upgrade task was added because some customers experienced issue during CASM upgrade due to the manual work previously done causing doc_rep table to get corrupted. The corrupted doc_rep caused the upgrade process to fail. The pre-upgrade task was added to remediate such issue with doc_rep table by repopulating the table with rep_server, servlet_server, aa_services and rep_credentials columns if they are missing and may not apply to every environment.

One can login to MDB database, navigate to dbo.doc_rep table, right click on the table and click on 'Select Top 1000 Rows', and validate that the following 4 column exists in the table rep_server, servlet_server, aa_services and rep_credentials. If all 4 column exist in the table, the task can be safely ignored.