VMware by Broadcom Data Collection Instructions
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VMware by Broadcom Data Collection Instructions


Article ID: 368095


Updated On:




The purpose of this article is to provide customers with step-by-step instructions on how to collect their VMware deployment information.


  • Download and complete the Customer Environment Questionnaire.
  • Download vCollector and vScout, along with the associated manual instructions and run them against your entire environment to generate the applicable outputs.
  • Download the Data Collection Procedures and follow the appropriate instruction sets to generate the applicable deployment datafiles for those products deployed in your environment. These are for products not captured by vCollector and vScout.

Return all outputs (vCollector, vScout, questionnaire, other applicable deployment datafiles) to [email protected]

Additional Information


  1. VMW Environment Questionnaire.xlsx
  2. vCollector and vScout Manual.docx
  3. vCollector 1.14.txt
  4. vScout 1.5.txt
  5. Data Collection Procedures 12.19.xlsx

Optional Downloads for Reference:

  1. Data Collection Video Instructions.zip (Walk-thru on running vCollector/vScout)
  2. VMware Data (Sample).zip (Sample vCollector and vScout Outputs)


vScout 1.5.txt get_app
vCollector 1.14.txt get_app
VMW Environment Questionnaire.xlsx get_app
VMware Data Collection Procedures 12.19.xlsx get_app
Data Collection Video Instructions.zip get_app
VMware Data (Sample).zip get_app
vCollector and vScout Manual.docx get_app