Failed to delete the old VM in vCenter during redeploy alarm in NSX Manager
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Failed to delete the old VM in vCenter during redeploy alarm in NSX Manager


Article ID: 368083


Updated On: 05-20-2024


VMware NSX


Title: Alarm for edge.failed_to_delete_the_old_vm_in_vcenter_during_redeploy
Event ID: edge.failed_to_delete_the_old_vm_in_vcenter_during_redeploy
Alarm Description: 

"Failed to power off and delete the Edge node <edge_node_uuid> VM with moref id <vm_moref_id> in vCenter during Redeploy operation. A new Edge VM with moref id <new_vm_moref_id> has been deployed. Both old and new VMs for this Edge are functional at the same time and may result in IP conflicts and networking issues."

  • Purpose: Alarm is raised when old Edge VM is not deleted (from vCenter) during Redeploy api call
  • Impact: During redeploy of the Edge, the old Edge VM is powered off and deleted by making a VCenter call. If these VCenter calls to delete the old Edge VM fail due to communication issues, and the new Edge VM is deployed successfully, then it is possible to end up with two functioning Edge VMs, resulting in IP conflicts or networking issues.


NSX-T Datacenter


Steps to Resolve
For 3.2.1 and higher

  1. Get the old Edge virtual machine vm_moref_id value from the alarm description mentioned above.
  2. Search for the old Edge virtual machine by vm_moref_id which was found in Step 1. The vm_moref_id will look something like vm-xxxx. Provide the vm_moref_id obtained in Step 1 in a VCenter URL similar to: https://<vCenter Server IP/FQDN>}/mob/?moid=<vm_moref_id>&doPath=config.

    Note: There will be a pop-up windows where you will need to enter administrative vCenter Server login credentials.
    Note: A Managed Object Browser (MOB) window will open. You can validate that the correct edge VM data is presented by checking the edge VM's "name" value.

    Note: This is the old Edge VM.
  3. In VCenter Server, ensure that the old Edge VM noted in Step 2 is not functional and it is already powered off.  
  4. In vCenter Server, delete the old Edge VM noted in Step 2.
  5. In the NSX UI, acknowledge the alarm from the Home > Alarms page.