What is the maximum number of recalls that can be performed at one time?
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What is the maximum number of recalls that can be performed at one time?


Article ID: 368017


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Vtape Virtual Tape System


At a disaster recovery test I may need to restore several hundred files from several hundred different Virtual Volumes. Those Virtual Volumes may have been stacked on a hundred different Backstore Tapes. If I run a job to issue Recall commands for all of these data sets at one time, how many can Vtape actually process at one time?




The Vtape Backstore Engine has a limit of 99 subtasks it can start. Therefore, 99 recalls can be done at one time.

When you issue the Recall commands, the Backstore Engine will start a subtask for each Recall. If a Recall command is seen that requires a Backstore Tape that is already mounted by a subtask, the new Recall will be queued to that subtask.