ADDRESS AC ACTION(NOTE) requirements and syntax
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ADDRESS AC ACTION(NOTE) requirements and syntax


Article ID: 368010


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OPS/MVS Event Management & Automation


Trying to use the new ADDRESS AC ACTION(NOTE) feature. I have tried using the alertid or agentReferenceId but no note is being created. I've tried several different options, but do not see a schema for this feature. What is the full syntax of the NOTE function to add a note to an existing alert?  


OPS/MVS 14.0


New keywords are available for the ADDRESS AC host environment as follows:

  1.  New choices for the ACTION keyword:
       QA        - alias for QUERYALERT
       NOTE      - add a note to an existing alert
       QUERYNOTE - retrieve notes for an existing alert
       QN        - alias for QUERYNOTE
       STATUS    - return status of Alert Central Connector
  2.  New keyword INSTANCE can be used to direct a request to
       a specific instance of Alert Central Connector.


Required PTFs:

PTF LU12625 must be applied to OPS/MVS.

PTF LU12151 must be applied to Alert Central Connector.


The full syntax for the ADDRESS AC ACTION(NOTE) statement is:

ADDRESS AC ACTION(NOTE) AlertID(123456) Content(This is note content)

where the values for the AlertID and Content fields should be substituted with those specific to the alert being updated. 

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