SD-WAN Tunnel (Card) View runs for a long time before completing
Article ID: 367972
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DX NetOpsCA Performance Management - Usage and Administration
The SD-WAN Tunnel (Card) View on the runs for 6-8+ minutes before completion.
The DX NetOps Portal default SD-WAN Tunnel (Card) View on the default SD-WAN Tunnel Statistics Dashboard runs for 6-8+ minutes before completion.
This is seen for all Site Groups. The larger the Site the longer the View takes to render and complete.
All supported DX NetOps Performance Management Portal releases 22.2.6 and newer.
Starting with 22.2.6 we began including Tunnels that don't have data. They appear as the Gray circle tunnel count showing a No Data label as seen here.
When large numbers of tunnels are involved, in this instance more than 40,000 tunnels and growing, it creates an efficiency issue causing the query the report uses to run for longer than anticipated.
Defect DE595419 is being worked on to address the slow report run issue.
A temporary workaround to disable gathering and display of the No Data Tunnels is detailed here. It involves changing a DB value from default True to False.
Open a terminal to the Portal web server CLI.
Change to the following directory with the command shown. Default path shown, change as needed.
cd /opt/CA/MySql/bin/
Run the following MySql command to show the current value for all Views that support it.
Enter your MySql DB when prompted.
This will list all Dashboards (represented by PageID value) that contain the target Views that support the configuration entry that can resolve this.
It will show the pageid (ID that represents the Dashboard in the DB), the Model_ID for each View (names listed below) and the Dashboards UI Name.
./mysql -unetqos -p netqosportal -e "select pi.pageid,pl.modelid,ifnull(i18.pagetitle,pi.pagetitle) from page_info2 pi inner join page_layout2 pl on pi.pageid=pl.pageid left join page_info2_i18n i18 on pi.pageid=i18.pageid and cultureid='en-US' where pl.ModelID in (108932,160539,161581) order by 2,1;"
The Model_ID values represent these OOTB Views:
SD-WAN Tunnel - Card View: Model_ID 108932
SD-WAN Tunnel Overview: Model_ID 161581 (The ProcessMissingInventory property was added to this View starting with 23.3.4.)
Run the following MySql command to change the current value from default 'true' to 'false'. Enter your MySql DB when prompted.
These commands are for the four different Views on the SD-WAN Tunnel Statistics Dashboard.
Change the Model_ID value as needed.
For the SD-WAN Tunnel - Card View with Model_ID=108932 run:
./mysql -unetqos -p -e "update netqosportal.model_properties set PropertyValue='false' where ModelID=108932 and PropertyName='ProcessMissingInventory';"
SD-WAN App Path - Card View with Model_ID=160539 run:
./mysql -unetqos -p -e "update netqosportal.model_properties set PropertyValue='false' where ModelID=160539 and PropertyName='ProcessMissingInventory';"
SD-WAN Tunnel Overview with Model_ID=161581 run:
./mysql -unetqos -p -e "update netqosportal.model_properties set PropertyValue='false' where ModelID=161581 and PropertyName='ProcessMissingInventory';"
Run the following MySql command to show the new current value. Enter your MySql DB when prompted.
./mysql -unetqos -p -e "select ModelID,PropertyName,PropertyType, PropertyValue from netqosportal.model_properties where ModelID in (108932,160539,161581) and PropertyName='ProcessMissingInventory';"
No restarts are needed, these changes are made in real time.
The 'No Data' labeled item count should no longer appear after the change.
To return default function enable the option again using this same process to reset back from false to true. Simply change PropertyValue='false' in the command from step 4.