Performance issues in ConnectALL when using the Jira connector for high amounts of data
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Performance issues in ConnectALL when using the Jira connector for high amounts of data


Article ID: 367916


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Users have observed a severe bottleneck in ConnectALL performance in Jira with the Jira adapter.  


Atlassian informed us that this is due to ConnectALL using a normal user account rather than the preferred appuser to update Jira Cloud. The appuser has a higher threshold which would increase throughput. 


It will be necessary to use the Jira Oauth2 option.  Use the Jira link below to set up Oauth2 on the Jira application.  See Notes below the link for configuration information specific to ConnectALL: 

NOTES specific to ConnectALL when enabling Oauth2 (to be used in addition to the Jira link above):

  • To create an app
    • Click on the Create button and select the OAuth 2.0 Integration
    • Provide the name for the application


  • Callback URL Information. This should be in the format of <CONNECTALL_UI_URL>/oauthcallback/jira/<CONNECTION_NAME> eg :
    • CONNECTION_NAME - The name provided in the call back URL should be used for the Connection name in ConnectALL (Connection name should not have any space, due to the limitation in jira) 
    • CONNECTALL_UI_URL - ConnectAll UI base URL


  • Enable the below API's for the ConnectALL access
    • Navigate to the Settings in the left menu and copy the ClientId and Client Secret to be used in the ConnectALL Connections

Configure Connection in ConnectALL

  1. Add a new Connection for the Jira app
  2. Provide the Connection Name configured in the callback URL of the external application
  3. Select OAuth as the Authentication Type
  4. Enter the Client ID and Client Secret copied from the external Application
  5. Click on the Save,
  6. Click Authorize in the modal window. 
  7. A new tab will be opened for the Jira URL, to get the consent for the application created.
  8. Once the successful consent is given, authorization to the application will be done.
  9. Proceed Button will be enabled on the Successful authorization. Clicking on proceed will save the Connection.



  1. OAuth 2.0 is supported only for Jira Cloud
  2. Sprint synchronization is not supported due to the limitation in the Jira Oauth API