Currently running a Full DWH Load once per week and Incremental every night. Need to increase the frequency of DWH in Clarity
There is no recommended job frequency for Data Warehouse job, it depends on job runtime and how often the data is needing to be updated
Verify how long does Full and Incremental take in minutes and consider the load of them running
Slowly add additional DWH instances and closely monitor the performance
We do not recommend the job to run more often than once per hour in the best possible scenario if the Incremental is very fast and does not create database bottlenecks
Every few hours (i.e. 3-4 hours for Incremental during the day) can be a good target depending on runtime
Make sure you don't have set additional jobs as Incompatible with Data Warehouse, as this could create some contention. You can see this in Administration - Job Definitions
Please note we have the below DWH information documented
The data warehouse is not designed to be a real-time data reference. If you need to run reports on live data, we recommend that you create ad hoc views and reports based on your Classic PPM data sources
We can increase the frequency for the DWH however, it is not going to be real time / live data