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Article ID: 367895


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VM:Backup High-Speed Disaster Recovery Option (HiDRO)


While checking our 3490 PPOOL file, there are 3 tapes as 01C instead of 00C.    What's the difference?


HiDRO r2.8, z/VM 


What that data in the PPOOL file (the "00C" or "01C") represents is the following:

The first 2 characters is a 2-digit number that represents the cumulative number of I/O errors HiDRO has logged for that particular tape over use and time. So "00" means the HiDRO has never recorded an I/O error for the tape, a "01" indicates over the course of time and use HiDRO has recorded one I/O error for that particular tape. If this count reaches the "IO Err Limit" value specified for tapes in that Logical Pool. You can see what that value is by ending HiDRO and pressing PF5 (Set Defaults & Tape Pools), then PF6 (Tape Pool Manager). You should be on the "Logical Pools" panel that includes the I/O Error Limit information for each Logical Pool. If a particular tape reaches that I/O error Limit value, HiDRO will no longer select it for a SCRATCH tape mount after it expires. If you use PF2 (or PF12 to go to the Physical Pools, then PF2) to view the individual tapes, you should find those 3 tapes show the I/O Errors count is ONE vs. ZERO for the others.

The third character indicates the type of tape; C=Cartridge, R=Reel (I think there are a couple of other possibilities), however at this point I believe you will never find a value other than "C".