Unable to capture or deploy content using Aria Suite Lifecycle 8.14.
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Unable to capture or deploy content using Aria Suite Lifecycle 8.14.


Article ID: 367871


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VMware Aria Suite VMware vRealize Suite Lifecycle Manager 8.x


Encountering problems within the Aria Suite Lifecycle instance, experiencing failures or errors during deployment or content capture processes.


The below error can be seen in the blackstone-spring.log

com.vmware.vrealize.lcm.common.exception.LcmException: Request execution failed at blackstone, with error : {"summaryMessage":"Failed to capture contents","failures":[]}


  • Take a snapshot of the VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle appliance.
  • Download the file blackstone-external-8.14.1.jar file from the attachment.
  • Browse to  "/opt/vmware/vlcm/blackstone/spring-common" folder
    • Below screenshot is an example. Copy existing jar to /data 
  • Command to copy/move
    • cp -p blackstone-external-8.xx.x.jar /data/

  • Replace the jar from the link shared above to the following path:  "/opt/vmware/vlcm/blackstone/spring-common
  • Restart the service using the command "systemctl restart blackstone-spring"
  • Retry to capture the content from Aria Suite Lifecycle UI.

Additional Information

This issue has been fixed in Aria Suite Lifecycle version 8.16


blackstone-external-8.14.1.jar get_app