Edge Deployment Failing "OVF certificate validation failed. Error: Error while fetching ovf file. er: (53)"
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Edge Deployment Failing "OVF certificate validation failed. Error: Error while fetching ovf file. er: (53)"


Article ID: 367853


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VMware NSX


OVF Certificate validation failed is seen when attempting to deploy a new Edge Node VM you see an error similar to 

OVF certificate validation failed. Error: Error while fetching ovf file. er: (53) Certificate CN=XX,L=XX,C=XX was not verifiably signed by CN=XX,OU=XX,O=XX,C=XX: certificate does not verify with supplied key


NSX 4.1.1


This is a know issue and is caused due to code issue when upgrading to NSX 4.1.1


Issue is resolved in NSX 4.1.2



The issue occurs due to an incorrect certificate chain in the .tomcat_cert.pem and .vip_cert.pem files.

The paths for these two files are as follows:


The certificate chain should be in the following order: “leaf(server) - intermediate - root”

The .vip_cert.pem and .tomcat_cert.pem might also have extra ‘bag attributes’ after each certificate. For example:

Bag Attributes: <Empty Attributes>
subject=/DC=XX/DC=XX/DC=XX/CN=Configuration/CN=Services/CN=Public Key Services/CN=XX/CN=XX. Root CA
issuer=/DC=XX/DC=XX/DC=XX/CN=Configuration/CN=Services/CN=Public Key Services/CN=XX/CN=XX. Root CA

Create a backup of the original files .tomcat_cert.pem and .vip_cert.pem.

You will see a 3-certificate chain. The issue occurs because the intermediate and the root certificates get swapped, breaking the chain.

The .pem file will have certificates in the following order: leaf(server) > root > intermediate

Identify the server, root, and intermediate certificates.

You can do this by copying each certificate into a notepad and saving the file with a .cert extension.

Edit the file using Vim and swap the root and intermediate certificates.

Note: The correct order for the certificates is:




Edit the .pem files to correct the order of the certificates and remove the bag attributes. This change needs to be done on all 3 managers.

After editing, restart the HTTP service with the command “start service http”.

You can now proceed to deploy the new Edge.