How to employ the OI API to retrieve UIM alarms for various periods of time.
In the original link sent it had time examples
You can also provide the Time range in the query to filter based on any timestamp field instead of using timeFrom and timeTo values. For example, timestamp:[2021-08-30T11:00:17+0000 TO 2021-08-30T11:50:17+0000]
timefrom Start time of the search in the ISO8601 format. This uses the last updated time of the alarm (timestamp field).
Default Value: None
timeto End time of the search in the ISO8601 format. This uses the last updated time of the alarm (timestamp field).
Default Value: None
Other details:
This is a sample query string to get the last 1 day's open UIM alarms : https://<host>/oi/v2/aoanalytics/alarms/alarms_all/_search?q=product:UIM AND (status:NEW OR status:UPDATED) AND timestamp:[now-1d TO now]&from=0&size=100
"product", "status" and "timestamp" are the fields in the Alarm records. The complete list of fields are documented in the techdocs page
exact time ranges can also be provided in the query For example, timestamp:[2023-08-30T11:00:17+0000 TO 2023-08-30T11:50:17+0000]
The Data Retrieval API queries and retrieves events and alarms data from DX Operational Intelligence. You can query the data using the permanent user token that you can generate on the Tokens page.
Examples can be found at