CAUAJM_E_50216 Invalid attribute name error when updating email template glob
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CAUAJM_E_50216 Invalid attribute name error when updating email template glob


Article ID: 367784


Updated On:


Autosys Workload Automation


When attempting to update an email template glob with new contents using the following jil script...

update_glob: my_emt_glob
blob_mode: text
blob_file: /tmp/my_emt_glob.txt
blob_type: emailtemplate

the update fails with the following error...

CAUAJM_I_50276 Updating Blob/Glob: my_emt_glob
CAUAJM_E_50216 Invalid attribute name for <my_emt_glob>: blob_type
CAUAJM_E_10302 Database Change WAS NOT successful.



When defining a new glob, the blob_type attribute is set at that point and cannot be changed with an update. Therefore, if you attempt to specify a blob_type attribute when using the update_glob jil subcommand, the update will be rejected with the "CAUAJM_E_50216 Invalid attribute..." error.


When the goal is to update an email template glob with new contents from an updated blob file, exclude the blob_type attribute from the update jil script...

update_glob: my_emt_glob
blob_mode: text
blob_file: /tmp/my_emt_glob.txt

The glob will still be stored in the database as an emailtemplate blob, but the contents of the glob will be replaced with what is in the blob file specified in the update.