Operator Console is showing incorrect count of Devices on Home Page under Monitored Devices
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Operator Console is showing incorrect count of Devices on Home Page under Monitored Devices


Article ID: 367749


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DX Unified Infrastructure Management (Nimsoft / UIM) CA Unified Infrastructure Management On-Premise (Nimsoft / UIM) CA Unified Infrastructure Management SaaS (Nimsoft / UIM)


Why are we getting an incorrect count of devices on the OC home page under 'Monitored Devices?'

Please help us determine the exact count of devices.


  • DX UIM 20.4


In the Operator Console (OC), if you see a Discovered count of let's say 100, and the 'Monitored Devices' count is 80, that means out of 100 devices discovered, 80 probes have collected device data in the last 30 minutes.

Below is the query used to calculate and display the 'Monitored Devices' in OC:

select * from (select 'total_device_count' as type, count(*) as device_count from cm_computer_system 


select 'active_device_count' as type, count(DISTINCT(CASE WHEN sqs.sampletime is not NULL THEN ccs.cs_id ELSE NULL END)) as device_count

from cm_computer_system ccs 

       join cm_device cd 

               on ccs.cs_id = cd.cs_id 

       join cm_configuration_item cci 

               on cd.dev_id = cci.dev_id 

       join cm_configuration_item_metric ccim 

               on cci.ci_id = ccim.ci_id 

       join s_qos_data sqd 

               on ccim.ci_metric_id = sqd.ci_metric_id 

       join s_qos_snapshot sqs 

               on sqd.table_id = sqs.table_id 

               and CAST(sqs.sampletime as datetime) >= DATEADD(MINUTE, -30, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP)) src 

        pivot (sum(device_count) for type in (total_device_count,active_device_count))piv


This is the underlying query for 'Monitored Devices' in OC and when executed it yields two columns with data, the Total Device Count (Discovered) and the Active Device Count.