We have UVMS installed on RedHat SERVER-A with an embedded Derby DB. From SERVER-A, locally, we able to query Derby DB i.e. uniderby -q "select * from UNI_UV_NODES;".
To access remote Derby DB on SERVER-A we made an update in uniderby script on SERVER-B to point to correct host, but while accessing we get below error:
user@SERVER-B:~# /tools/uvms_offline_binaries/app/bin/uniderby -q "select * from UNI_UV_NODES;"
# Starting Univiewer Management Server SQL access program
UniViewer Management Server environment loaded.
.# -------------------------------------------------
# UniViewer Management Server stopped.
# -------------------------------------------------
ij version 10.14
ij> CONNECT 'jdbc:derby://SERVER-A:1527//tools//uvms_server/data/data/uvmsdb;user=*;password=*;
ERROR 08001: java.net.ConnectException : Error connecting to server SERVER-A on port 1,527 with message Connection timed out (Connection timed out).
ij> select * from UNI_UV_NODES;
IJ ERROR: Unable to establish connection
ij> ;
ij> EXIT;
Release: 6.x, 7.x
The Embedded DB doesn't allow SQL-client connections(refer Tech Doc > UVC Database settings for more details)
The way Embedded DB is set is that the DB_HOST is configured as local server directory
The Derby DB is not in NETWORK SERVER mode, and hence it can not be access remotely and result if above error because nothing is listening on SERVER-A:1527
Execute a remote command from SERVER-B to SERVER-A executing uniderby command, syntax below