In 16.2.1, the canvas created in the prior versions doesn't have the Task toggle.
1. Login to a 16.2.0 machine
2. Navigate to MUX - Administration
3. Blueprints - Hierarchy
4. Create a copy of the Standard Blueprint
5. In the copy BP, under modules, create a new Canvas and name it as Canvas1621
6. Publish the BP
7. Upgrade this machine to 16.2.1
8. Navigate back to Copy Blueprint and Edit
9. Under modules, click on Canvas1621 created in Step 5
10. Click Edit and drag down on Configure - Canvas
Expected: TASK toggle introduced in 16.2.1 canvas is available
Actual: TASK toggle is missing
Create a new canvas and scroll down on Configure - Canvas
TASK toggle is available
Workaround: Create a new canvas after upgrade to use the TASK toggle
DE80745 - Fixed in 16.2.3