When trying to install EEM on a dedicated server the installation is failing.
The installation has been attempted multiple times using the Autosys R12.x installer.
Autosys 12.X
EEM 12.x
In the installation logs we see the following EEM error:
EEM Installation exit code ...245
Perform a clean install of EEM using the ISO module EEM installer.
Steps to clean up
1) delete contents of the /tmp directory
2) remove all folders and subfolders from /opt/CA
3) remove /etc/profile.CA
4) check the /etc/init.d folder for any dxserevr or igateway scripts and remove them
5) delete the dsa user
6) delete the Group etrdir
4) reboot the machine
5) login as root and do an env to make sure there are not environment variables pointing to /opt/CA
6) validate the SE Linux is disabled or set to permissive mode.
If the only component you want to install is EEM on this machine then do the following
1) check the md5 hash on the ISO download
2) go to <iso>/modules/EEM/ and run the setup.bin
3) When this completes successfully follow the below to change the Certificate size to 2048