when upgrading esxi hosts from version 7.x to 8.x in SDDC Manager ESXI disconnects during upgrade after first boot, it loses the network connection.
VCF 5.1
Mismatch between net-dvs and configstore
When checking Net-dvs has three switches where as the configstore has four.
1. SSH to the ESXI as the root user.
2. Run the command: configstorecli config current get -c esx -g network_vds -k switches
output: Component = esx
ConfigGroup = network_vds
Name = switches
Identifier = 60 15 5c 2a ## ## ## ##-## ## ## ## a1 dc 87 30
ModifiedTime = 2024-04-10 09:59:23
CreationTime = 2023-12-21 09:43:55
Version = 1.0
Success = 0
AutoConfValue =
UserValue = {"uuid": "60 15 5c 2a ## ## ## ##-## ## ## ## a1 dc 87 30", "configured_max_ports": 512, "max_ports": 9216, "product": {"forwarding_class": "cswitch"}}
VitalValue = {"uuid": "60 15 5c 2a ## ## ## ##-## ## ## ## a1 dc 87 30", "portset_name": "DvsPortset-1"}
CachedValue =
DesiredValue =
Revision = 36
Component = esx
ConfigGroup = network_vds
Name = switches
Identifier = 60 1d c2 d6 ## ## ## ##-## ## ## ## dc 87 8b c9
ModifiedTime = 2024-05-09 17:27:39
CreationTime = 2024-01-25 11:04:21
Version = 1.0
Success = 1
AutoConfValue =
UserValue = {"uuid": "60 1d c2 d6 ## ## ## ##-## ## ## ## dc 87 8b c9", "configured_max_ports": 512, "max_ports": 9216, "product": {"forwarding_class": "cswitch"}, "uplinks": [{"nic": "vmnic4", "uplink_port_key": "11", "connection_cookie": 0}, {"nic": "vmnic3", "uplink_port_key": "10", "connection_cookie": 0}]}
VitalValue = {"uuid": "60 1d c2 d6 ## ## ## ##-## ## ## ## dc 87 8b c9", "portset_name": "DvsPortset-2"}
CachedValue =
DesiredValue =
Revision = 34
Component = esx
ConfigGroup = network_vds
Name = switches
Identifier = 60 2a 54 ea ba 74 91 3da-0c 3c b0 01 ac 7e e3 aa
ModifiedTime = 2024-05-09 17:27:39
CreationTime = 2024-01-25 11:04:17
Version = 1.0
Success = 1
AutoConfValue =
UserValue = {"uuid": "60 2a 54 ea ba 74 91 3da-0c 3c b0 01 ac 7e e3 aa", "configured_max_ports": 512, "max_ports": 9216, "product": {"forwarding_class": "vswitch"}, "uplinks": [{"nic": "vmnic0", "uplink_port_key": "2", "connection_cookie": 0}, {"nic": "vmnic5", "uplink_port_key": "3", "connection_cookie": 0}]}
VitalValue = {"uuid": "60 2a 54 ea ba 74 91 3da-0c 3c b0 01 ac 7e e3 aa", "portset_name": "DvsPortset-0"}
CachedValue =
DesiredValue =
Revision = 52
Component = esx
ConfigGroup = network_vds
Name = switches
Identifier = 60 1a 05 1b ## ## ## ##-## ## ## ## 82 11 d4 c2
ModifiedTime = 2024-05-09 17:27:39
CreationTime = 2024-01-25 11:04:19
Version = 1.0
Success = 1
AutoConfValue =
UserValue = {"uuid": "60 1a 05 1b ## ## ## ##-## ## ## ## 82 11 d4 c2", "configured_max_ports": 512, "max_ports": 9216, "product": {"forwarding_class": "cswitch"}, "uplinks": [{"nic": "vmnic1", "uplink_port_key": "18", "connection_cookie": 0}, {"nic": "vmnic2", "uplink_port_key": "19", "connection_cookie": 0}]}
VitalValue = {"uuid": "60 1a 05 1b ## ## ## ##-## ## ## ## 82 11 d4 c2", "portset_name": "DvsPortset-1"}
CachedValue =
DesiredValue =
Revision = 39
3. Run the command: net-dvs
switch 60 2a 54 ea ## ## ## ##-## ## ## ## ac 7e e3 aa (vswitch)
switch 60 1a 05 1b ## ## ## ##-## ## ## ## 82 11 d4 c2 (cswitch)
switch 60 1d c2 d6 ## ## ## ##-## ## ## ## dc 87 8b c9 (cswitch)
4. Identify the extra switch in the configstore and remove it.
configstorecli config current -h
usage: configstorecli config current [options] {cmd} [cmd options]
-h, --help show this help message and exit
Available Commands:
get Get Configuration for a specific object identified by component, group, key and/or instanceid. The result of a successful get will be a valid JSON.
export Get all configurations under a given level
set Set Configuration for a specific object identified by component, group, key and/or instanceid.
delete Delete Configuration for a specific object identified by component, group, key and/or instanceid.
Run command: configstorecli config current delete -c esx -g network_vds -k switches -i "60 15 5c 2a ## ## ## ##-## ## ## ## a1 dc 87 30"
After deleting the extra switch, on the host ssh, type net-dvs cmd, this will show the switches on the host, please make sure the switches from "net-dvs" and "configstorecli get" are matching.
5. Proceed with the upgrade.