OpsMan Upgrade fails during apply-director-changes task with the following error:
"Socket Error 'http://<URL>', type: BlobstoreVerifier"
The issue is caused because on vSphere the Ops Manager VM configures the system DNS servers on startup with the information provided when configuring the VM in vCenter. If the Ops Manager process is able to startup before that DNS configuration happens, it gets only the system DNS servers and then is unable to resolve DNS queries correctly.
OpsMan v3.0.25 and older can be impacted.
v3.0.25 is more likely to be impacted due to a system update causing OpsMan process to startup faster.
1. In OpsMan VM, edit "/usr/lib/systemd/system/reset_network_from_ovf.service" and add "Before=network-online.target ntp.service tempest-web.service tempest-worker.service tempest-scheduler.service" right after "After=network.target"
# vim /usr/lib/systemd/system/reset_network_from_ovf.service
Description=Resets network from ovf
Before=network-online.target ntp.service tempest-web.service tempest-worker.service tempest-scheduler.service
2. # sudo systemctl daemon-reload
3. # sudo service tempest-web restart
4. From OpsMan GUI, "Apply changes" to update healthwatch and exporter failing on upgrade-all-service errands
Permanent fix