The root and/or admin account password of VMware Skyline Collector Appliance fails
The root and/or admin account of the VMware Skyline Collector Appliance is locked or password is expired
The root and/or admin account password has been lost or forgotten
This article provides the steps to reset the Skyline Collector root and admin passwords.
For passwords that have expired, Skyline Collector Appliance root account password expired after 60 days.
For accounts that are locked, the default root account lockout policy is set to 3 incorrect authentication attempts.
Caution: Do not skip this step
cd /usr/local/skyline/ccf/config/generated/
rm credentials.json
systemctl restart ccf-collector
Caution: Do not skip this step
mount -o remount,rw /
pam_tally2 -r -u root
reboot -f