Skyline Log Assist Troubleshooting
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Skyline Log Assist Troubleshooting


Article ID: 367549


Updated On:


VMware vSphere ESXi


The purpose of this article is to provide you with actions to take to troubleshoot a failed log transfer request when using Skyline Log Assist.


  • Within Skyline Log Assist, you receive a "Failed" error message after attempting a log transfer request.


VMware Skyline Collector Appliance

VMware Skyline Collector Appliance 2.x


There could be multiple reasons for a failed Log Transfer Request. We have outlined different scenarios, with messages, for why a Log Transfer Request fails. Follow the Troubleshooting steps for each Error Message, then attempt your Log Transfer Request again.


For each error message, follow the steps provided with the Troubleshooting section. If you are unable to resolve the issue, please start a discussion in the Skyline Community. The Skyline Community is moderated by a team of Technical Support Engineers (TSEs) who can assist you with your error. If you are a Premier Support customer, please contact your Support Account Manager (SAM).

Skyline Log Assist Troubleshooting

Status Column

Error Message



There is an issue with the object that the support bundle was requested from.

  • Verify that the vCenter Server Appliance (VCSA) /root/ partition has sufficient free space for support bundle generation.

  • The VCSA support bundle generation service is not available. Ensure the VCSA is operating properly.


The Skyline Collector is unable to communicate with the object.

  • The Skyline Collector cannot communicate with the object for which a support bundle was requested. Ensure the object is operating properly, and is able to communicate with the Skyline Collector over the network.

  • If the object is an ESXi hypervisor host, the ESXi hypervisor host may be in a disconnected state. Login to the vSphere Client, and confirm that the ESXi hypervisor host is in a Connected state, then try the log transfer request again.


The Skyline Collector lost connectivity to the object.

  • Communication between the object and the Skyline Collector was lost during the download of the support bundle. Ensure the object is operating properly, then try again.


Permission denied. Please verify the following:

  1. Product login account is correct.
  2. Product login account password is not expired.
  3. Product login account is not disabled.
  • Ensure the account used to add the object to the Skyline Collector as the required privileges needed to perform a log transfer request. See Knowledge Base (KB) Article 59661 for details.

  • Ensure the account used to add the object to the Skyline Collector does not have an expired password, is locked, or disabled.


Support bundle could not be found.

  • The object for which a support bundle was requested is no-longer available within your environment.


Log Transfer timed out.

  • Ensure the Skyline Collector has a minimum of 3Mb/s external network bandwidth for the sending of large files (support bundles).

  • If using a Proxy, ensure the proxy is configured for the sending of large files (support bundles).

  • The log transfer request did not complete in the maximum allowed time of 6 hours. If support bundles were requested from multiple objects, reduce the number of objects in a single log transfer request, and try again.


We were unable to transfer the support bundle.