most impacted host details
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most impacted host details


Article ID: 367433


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A detailed description of how the 'most impacted host' gets set in a situation


We determine the most impacted based on the following three criteria and filter out the hosts and move to the next:
1. Severity: Prioritizing hosts with the highest severity alarms.
2. Number of Alarms: Prioritizing hosts with the maximum number of alarms.
3. Earliest Alarm: Prioritizing hosts based on the timing of their first alarm.
a. Since all alarms have critical severity, severity-based prioritization does not work here.
b. Each host has only one alarm, thus the second prioritization also does not able to filter out any data.
c. The alarms which belongs to the following hosts("Example1.",
"Example2","Example3") occurred at the same time and earlier than the other alarms thus
We filter out these 4 hosts out of total 18 and choose one of them as most impacted host.
That is how we have chosen host : "Example2" as the most impacted and correponding service as most impacted service