"No connection list received" error connecting to Cloud SWG via WSS Agent
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"No connection list received" error connecting to Cloud SWG via WSS Agent


Article ID: 367418


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Cloud Secure Web Gateway - Cloud SWG Symantec ZTNA


Users successfully accessing Cloud SWG using WSS Agents on Windows.

One specific roaming user fails to connect after activating WSS Agent for the first time. The WSS Agent status screen and support logs section reported the following errors:

WSSA Status message:

  • "No connection list received"
  • "No connection attempted - no connection cache found"

WSSA diagnostic log:

  • "No CL received, trying to use cached CL"
  • "No CL cache found"

Rebooting machine fails to clear problem.



WSS Agent.

No previous connection into Cloud SWG service from this host.


 Maxmind (GEO location service used by CTC service) had no entry in their database for the user's egress IP.


Contact Maxmind so that an entry is added to their database with the users egress IP address.

In the meantime, one could change egress IP address by tethering the WSS Agent host to their mobile phone. Once connected, a connection list is downloaded to the WSS Agent host and cached, and when returning back to the problem egress IP address, the connect list will be available from cache to use. This will allow the user connect from home until such time as Maxmind includes the IP address in their database.


Additional Information

Since Maxmind does not have an entry in their database for the user's egress IP, CTC will not return a connection list.

The WSS Agent does fallback to a cached connection list if a previously successful CTC response included one, and this is visible in the WSS Agent support log entries.