Grand Totals Allocation calculation in Staff module with Unit of Measure set as %Availability is not consistent
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Grand Totals Allocation calculation in Staff module with Unit of Measure set as %Availability is not consistent


Article ID: 367417


Updated On: 05-23-2024


Clarity PPM On Premise Clarity PPM SaaS


In Staff module, when the Unit of measure = %Availability, the  Grand Total values is not consistent with the Per-Period metrics Allocation figures


1 Create a resource, having daily availability as 7 hours, allocate this resource to a project for a single day, with 100% allocation

2 Create a resource, having daily availability as 8 hours, allocate this resource to a project for a single day, with 50% allocation

3 On the Modern UX navigate to the project >> Staff module and set the Totals to Grand Totals, Periods as Weekly under the View Options and the Unit of Measure set as Hours

4 On the Staff grid, the Grand Totals based Allocation matches with that of the Per-Period metrics based Allocation, for the single day allocation for both resources

5 Change the Unit of Measure to %Availability and keep the Totals set to Grand Totals under the View Options. Check the Grand Totals and Allocations under the Staff Module


Expected Results :-

The Grand Totals: Allocation should be the total allocation as seen under the Per-Period metric based Allocation figures for the single day allocations for these resources

Actual Results :-

The Grand Totals: Allocations defaults to 100% and 50% allocations figures of the resources respectively, when Unit of Measure is %Availability


Clarity 16.2.1 and all valid Clarity versions


This is working as per design

Considering the scenario of Test Resource 1.

  • This resource has a daily availability of 7 hours and is 100% allocated to the project, for a single day
  • Use Case 1A: The configuration uses 'Grand Totals' for 1 weekly period that covers the duration of the staff record curve which is 100% for 1 day.
    • The 'Grand Total' amount uses the date boundaries of the record to determine the amount of the available working time (availability). Therefore 100% Availability represents 100% of the available working time between the dates of the record, which in this use case is one day
    • The 'Sum of Periods' or the individual 'Per-Period' columns will use the date boundaries of the period and the date boundaries of the curve to determine the amount of available working time (availability). Therefore, if you have a Period of 1 week, this is typically 5 days of availability and the date boundaries of the curve, in this case is 1 day, therefore the %Availability for a week is then calculated as a percentage of the single day allocation of this resource, out of the weekly period of 5 working days.
      • For example, for Test Resource 1, the curve represents 100% for 1 day (7 hours)
      • The 'Grand Total' %Availability is computed as 100% of 1 day for the duration of the curve date boundaries.
      • The 'Period' %Availability amount computed for 1 week takes that 100% for 1 day over the total available working time in the period (5 days / 35 hours), which equates to 1 day over 5 days which is 20% for the 1 week period.
  • Use Case 1B: To further illustrate this concept, if you change the configuration to show 'Sum of Periods' for the 1 week, the 'Total' (Sum of Periods) amount matches this 1 week use case. The total %Availability for this use case is computed as 1 day / 5 days = 20%.
  • Use Case 1C: If you change the configuration to show 'Sum of Periods' and 2 weeks using the same record, the 'Total' (Sum of Periods) amount will be computed as 10% because it will use the 1 day over the total amount of time available.  The total %Availability for this use case is computed as 1 day / 10 days = 10%