When running VIP Authentication Hub, and authenticating using the client API to manage the application, then the account doesn't get the priviledges in the access_token.
POST http://{{sspHost}}/{{apiPathTenant}}/auth/v1/authenticate
"subject": "<user>",
"channel": "web",
"ipAddress": "",
"rememberMe" : true
"errorCode": "0000007",
"errorMessage": "Unprivileged access token, cannot authorize the request with the given access token"
VIP Authentication Hub 2.2.5;
The client/app should be granted the scope 't.authenticate' (1).
Check by calling GET to '/admin/v1/AuthZPolicies' and checking the apps in 'AuthClientPolicy' policy (2).
Use POST to '/admin/v1/AdminRolesDelegator' to add the new app to the AuthClientPolicy to resolve this issue (2).