When calling a non-Gen web service using the CALL EXTERNAL statement receive response:TIRM030E: Application failed - Updates have been backed out
TIRM031E: Failing procedure exit data follows:
TIRM032E: Last or current action block id = 0040335712
TIRM033E: Last or current action block name = PCAB_9101_INS_PROP_CALL_EXT
TIRM034E: Last or current database statement = 0
TIRM035E: Current statement being processed = 0000000001
TIRM037E: ** Fatal Error was encountered ***
TIRM149E: Error occurred in CA Gen supplied function: TIRXCWS
TIRM322E: Error occurred while performing external call
CSU-GENERAL-ERROR: WsErrorParser::parse(): java.lang.NullPointerException (fault
TIRM046E: *** Processing terminated ***
TIRM044E: *** Press OK to continue ***
In the WebSphere JVM SystemOut.log see:[...] 00000c71 RemoteExcepti E CNTR0020E: EJB threw an unexpected (non-declared) exception during invocation of method "retrieveProposalDetail" on bean "BeanId(InsuranceProposalComponent-tst-24.1.0-92#InsuranceProposalComponentEJB.jar#ProposalManagerBean, null)". Exception data: java.lang.NullPointerException
Executing the web service from SoapUI is successful and gives no error.
It is noticed that in the Toolset design, the CALL EXTERNAL web service "Import Web Service Parameter Matching" does not list any WSDL parameters for input attributes DataContext and InteractionContext.
If the SoapUI call is made with with those attributes removed/commented out then a similar exception occurs.
In this web service there is a nested sequence of .xsd files in multiple directories i.e.
Application - contains ApplicationFault.xsd
DataContext - contains DataContext.xsd
Fault - contains Fault.xsd
InteractionContext - contains InteractionContext.xsd
Message - contains Message.xsd
Notification - contains Notification.xsd
Pagination - Pagination.xsd
ProposalManager - ProposalManager.wsdl and ProposalManager.xsd
ProposalManager.wsdl imports "ProposalManager.xsd"
ProposalManager.xsd imports "../Fault/Fault.xsd" and "../Message/Message.xsd"
Message.xsd imports"../DataContext/DataContext.xsd" and "../InteractionContext/InteractionContext.xsd"
The Gen toolset CALL EXTERNAL WSDL parser was not correctly parsing the nested files causing missing WSDL parameters DataContext and InteractionContext in the "Import Web Service Parameter Matching".
To resolve the problem, Gen Engineering provided a new test fix version of the Gen 8.6 Toolset file GenWSDLParser.dl. The WSDL parameters for DataContext and InteractionContext were then visible in the "Import Web Service Parameter Matching".
October 17: The official PTF for this problem has been released as TSN86311/LU13358. It is also listed on the Gen 8.6 Solutions & Patches page.