Money/Number decimal display 'Auto' option is not displaying correct decimal places for Scaler attributes in Audit grid
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Money/Number decimal display 'Auto' option is not displaying correct decimal places for Scaler attributes in Audit grid


Article ID: 367372


Updated On:


Clarity PPM On Premise Clarity PPM SaaS


When viewing numbers or money data type values in the Audit grid, the decimal places are not displayed as per the view options configuration. 

Steps to Reproduce: 

  1. Login to Classic
  2. Navigate to Administration, Studio, Objects, selecting the Project object, Audit tab 
  3. Make 1 number type and money type attribute as audit enabled for any operation 
  4. Login to Clarity (MUX)
  5. Navigate to the Projects grid, add number and money type attributes to the grid
  6. Update values for number and money attributes to generate audit records 
  7. Navigate to Administration, Audit Tile Workspace
  8. Open View Options, select display setting for number/Money attributes to 'Auto'
  9. Observe the displayed values in these number/money audit fields 

Expected Results: Numbers or Money data type should display decimal places as per the view options configuration. 

Actual Results: Numbers or Money data type are not displaying the decimal places as configured through the view options. 

Workaround: None. 


Clarity Release 16.2.2 




Under Engineering Review.