Steps to update the IP address of a running Detection API Appliance without needing to reimage the appliance.
DLP versions: 15.8, 16.0, 16.0.1
Connect to the command line interface (CLI) from the server.
The CLI is accessible by two methods: Serial Console and SSH (for more details please review the About the Command Line Interface (CLI) (v16.0.1 - and Symantec_DLP_Appliance_Command_Line_Interface_Reference.pdf (v15.x -
The interface option allows one to change the IP address
Here is an example of the command to run at the CLI to add a new IP address:
localhost(config)# interface 0:0 ip-address new.ip.add.ress
once the new IP is created the old IP can be deleted with this command:
localhost(config)# interface 0:0 no ip-address old.ip.add.ress 255.255.xx.x