CA Directory compatibility with OpenLdap 2.3
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CA Directory compatibility with OpenLdap 2.3


Article ID: 367303


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CA Directory


Can we assimilate CA Directory to OpenLdap or another Ldap in the list? 



CA Directory


When the customers upgraded Db2 to 11.5 on AIX 7.2.5, due to this upgrade, checking the Db2 compatibility matrix and found that IBM had just certified a limited number of LDAP Servers. So can we assimilate the CA Directory to OpenLdap or another Ldap in the list? 



A Directory is a directory application based on the X500 directory standards which supports LDAP v2 and v3 Internet Protocol Standards. 

The directory supports Windows and Linux OS. Please check the support matrix in docops for the supported OS


The directory supports all of the significant LDAP Request for Comments (RFCs). Check the docops section.


Regarding assimilating CA Directory to other Directory servers, the CA Directory follows the LDAP standard, and we certify the Directory as an LDAP standard Directory. We do not compare it is same as other Directory servers but in general, it will likely work. But again we do not certify saying it works as a specific other Directory server.