It is noticed that it is not possible to obtain all the missing time information by creating an Adhoc View in Advanced Reporting. Following possibilities have been explored:
Adhoc View using the 'Time Management' domain, using missing time related attributes, which make use of the DWH_TME_MISSING_TIME_V view
Adhoc View using the 'Time Management' domain, but using just the 'Timesheet Status', 'Time Reporting Period' and 'Resource Name' fields
A custom domain on the PPM schema by using the PRTIMESHEET, PRTIMEPERIOD, SRM_RESOURCES tables
The main challenge has been identified to be those timesheets that are not even opened by end users, resulting in their data not being populated in the PRTIMESHEET table.
'Missing Time' out of the box report has been identified to be working as expected, providing even that data which cannot be obtained by a simple Adhoc View.
Use the 'Missing Time' report to obtain missing time information