Action to obtain the complete path of a VM Folder within the hierarchy tree in Aria Automation Orchestrator 8.x
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Action to obtain the complete path of a VM Folder within the hierarchy tree in Aria Automation Orchestrator 8.x


Article ID: 367197


Updated On:


VMware Aria Suite


Action to obtain the complete path of a VM Folder within the hierarchy tree in Aria Automation Orchestrator 8.x


In order to get the full path of a VM folder in the hierarchy tree using Aria Orchestrator, the following script can be used in an action element :

  1. Log in to the "Aria Automation Orchestrator" client.
  2. Navigate to Library > Actions.
  3. Click on "New Action".
  4. Execute the below script.


// Deepest level folder, eg. VmSubFolder-1-1
var path = "";

while (System.getObjectClassName(targetFolder) == "VcVmFolder") {
    System.log("Folder name: " +;
    path = "/" + + path;
    targetFolder = targetFolder.parent;

System.log("Path: " + path);
return path;



And the final path will be - /vm/Folder2/Folder 3/Folder 4/Folder 5