While viewing MonitorController#.log or Aggregator#.log you notice an error in the logs that say that the queue is full.
com.symantec.dlp.communications.monitorcontroller.applications.subsystems.MonitorControllerAgentAttributeValuesForwarderSubsystem ensureQueueNotFull
FINE: Agent attributes forwarder suspending the agent with name '<hostname>' as the queue is full (from ensureQueueNotFull()).
MaxQueuesize on Aggregator.properties is too low for the current agent communication traffic.
Locate the following setting in Aggregator.properties
# Maximum number of operations that can be pushed out across all transport connections.
# Exceeding this maximum will cause the transport connection write to block until operations
# are processed and the queue size returns to normal.
maxQueueSize = 5000
Set maxQueuesize=50000