Sometimes with working with the next gen Rally adapter in ConnectALL, the projects will fail to expand and instead throw an error as follows:
Issue processing the request, please check the configurations
The Tomcat ConnectALL.log will show the following error:
ERROR YYYY-MM-dd HH:mm:ss,sss http-nio-pppp-exec-1 org.zkoss.zk.ui.impl.UiEngineImpl -
java.lang.NullPointerException: null
at com.g2g.zk.util.ProjectTreeModel.getChildCount( ~[classes/:]
Steps to Reproduce:
Unfortunately it's not always possible to reproduce this, so your experience may vary
Set up a new automation with the v2 Rally adapter.
Click into the Project selector control.
Begin expanding projects.
Expected Results:
Projects expand.
Actual Results:
Sometimes an error is shown on the page and the projects don't actually expand.
This will be resolved in version 3.4