Customer clone remains disabled for some customers from VCO version 5.2.3
VMware SDWAN Orchestrator
Cloning feature is not removed from VCO version 5.2.3. Even API /enterprise/cloneEnterpriseV2 is available to use. It was just restricted to some specific type of customers to avoid any post cloning issues.
From 5.2.3, clone only works for a small number of customer types, those without complex cloud vpns or NSDs, and with very simple enterprise addressing schemes. Cloning complex enterprises was more error prone than useful and this feature was restricted.
We tried to pare it down to allow only the most basic enterprises to be cloned but it became clear that it's just simpler to start from a 'new enterprise' than to clone and the repair the damaged enterprise that would result.
For example, if an enterprise has 0 edges or offline or unactivated edges, you will see the clone button activated on UI.
NA since it is expected behaviour