The database "Reserved" space for the "Inv_OS_Task_Scheduler_Windows" table is growing rapidly and increasing as much as 80GB in 30 days.
NOTE: This was monitored and tracked by using the out-of-box reports in SQL Management Studio found by right-clicking the database and going to Reports>Standard Reports>Disk Usage by Top Tables
ITMS 8.7.1
Found that the EventQueue folder on the Notification Server (C:\ProgramData\Symantec\SMP\EventQueue) had a very large number of unprocessed NSEs. Using the NSEdiag tool found in SSEtools (150132) it was confirmed that there were many managed machines sending large quantities of NSEs and some of these NSEs had creation dates that were over 6 months - the numbers varied from a few hundred up to 50,000. This would account for how "Task Scheduler Windows" data is coming in in large quantities when we've confirmed that all Policies have disabled the collection of this information.
NOTE: The "Task Scheduler Windows" data is collected by default was disabled temporarily as part of the troubleshooting process, and this was done in all of the Inventory Policies as seen here in this example for testing purposes:
Manage > Policies > Discovery and Inventory
Was able to get the NSEs to process on the Notification Server (KB 205352 is a good resource).
Was able to clear out the large quanties of NSEs is the Symantec Management Agent machines by using KB 175204.
Once the above two processes were cleaned up and working correctly the database growth stopped occurring.