The license for the Edge SWG (ProxySG) application has been updated, but the expiration date on the Edge SWG (ProxySG) application does not reflect the new end date displayed on the "My Entitlements" page from the Broadcom Support Portal.
The Edge SWG (ProxySG) application shows the old license expiration date.
The new license has not been updated on the ISG.
The ISG has the license auto-update feature disabled.
To resolve this issue you must:
If the SSP/ISG has connectivity to Internet
SSP# ssl trust-package download-now
SSP# ssl trust-package view
SSP# config t
SSP(config)# licensing view
SSP(config)# licensing load id <isg-proxy-license-sn>
SSP(config)# applications view
SSP# config t
SSP(config)# licensing
SSP(config-licensing)# auto-update true
SSP# config t
SSP(config)# applications view
SSP(config)# licensing view
SSP(config)# licensing
SSP(config-licensing)# edit id <isg-proxy-license-sn> label <application-name>
If the SSP/ISG has no connectivity to Internet
SSP# config t
SSP(config)# licensing
SSP(config)# licensing view
SSP(config-licensing)# inline force passphrase <password>
<paste the license file content for the ISG Proxy>
If the result was OK, please check license view
SSP(config)# licensing view
SSP# config t
SSP(config)# applications view
SSP(config)# licensing view
SSP(config)# licensing
SSP(config-licensing)# edit id <isg-proxy-license-sn> label <application-name>
From the Edge SWG (ProxySG) application CLI execute the following:
ISGPROXY> enable
ISGPROXY# config
ISGPROXY(config)# license-key auto-update enable
ISGPROXY(config)# exit
ISGPROXY# licensing update-key force
NOTE: The ISG license is not required to be updated before updating Edge SWG (ProxySG) or CAS application licenses