Plex WinNTC/C++ server logging
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Plex WinNTC/C++ server logging


Article ID: 366829


Updated On:


CA Plex


This article gives details about how to enable and collect the Plex WinNTC/C++ server log. The steps below use Plex 7.3 as an example and early versions are similar.


Plex 7.2 and higher


Follow these steps

  1. Open Plex C++ Dispatcher (CA\Plex\7.3\AppServer\Bin\Ob730DC.EXE)
  2. Set “Logging level” 4 in the screenshot below
  3. Reproduce the problem and note the time stamp when the problem is reproduced
  4. The log messages get logged into Event Viewer (Windows Logs -> Application) with Event Source being Plex binary (Ob730dp, Ob730pr etc.).Right click on applications and choose "Save All Event As..." and save the events to evtx file and send the saved evtx file to Support and let Support know the exact time stamp when the problem was reproduced.

Additional Information

logging level at step 2:

1 - Error messages only
2 - Errors and warnings
3 - Errors, warnings, and informational
4 - Errors, warnings, informational, and trace

Please use 4 unless instructed by Support