Database Triggers on CA_CONTACT MDB Table
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Database Triggers on CA_CONTACT MDB Table


Article ID: 366805


Updated On:


CA Service Management - Service Desk Manager CA Service Desk Manager ASSET PORTFOLIO MGMT- SERVER CA IT Asset Manager CA IT Asset Manager Asset Portfolio Management CA Service Management - Asset Portfolio Management


What is the purpose of the following database triggers on the CA_CONTACT MDB table


CA Service Management 17.x

All Supported SQL and Oracle Database Servers


These specific triggers on the CA _CONTACT MDB table are added by the CA IT Asset Manager/CA Asset Portfolio Management installation process.

These triggers on the CA_CONTACT MDB table are audit triggers.

When a new contact is created or an existing contact is modified, the triggers will an insert an audit record into the AUD_CA_CONTACT MDB table.

This audit functionality is out of the box (OOTB) with CA IT Asset Manager/CA Asset Portfolio Management.

Although they can be dropped/disabled, we recommend that these triggers should not be dropped/disabled as it can cause data corruption between the CA_CONTACT MDB tables.