PostgreSQL Clarity error duplicate key value violates unique constraint "cmn_sec_assgnd_obj_perm_pk"
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PostgreSQL Clarity error duplicate key value violates unique constraint "cmn_sec_assgnd_obj_perm_pk"


Article ID: 366777


Updated On: 05-01-2024


Clarity PPM On Premise Clarity PPM SaaS


A new PostgreSQL install or refresh throws this error message in Clarity logs on different actions such as updating projects or similar:

Error message:

ERROR: duplicate key value violates unique constraint "cmn_sec_assgnd_obj_perm_pk" Detail: Key (id)=(5xxxxxx) already exists.

Executed: INSERT INTO cmn_sec_assgnd_obj_perm (ID, principal_type, principal_id, object_id, object_instance_id, permission_id, right_id, created_date, created_by, last_updated_date, last_updated_by ) VALUES (?, ?,?,?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ? )

Fixing the sequences and restarting does not work


  1. (re)Create the PG loopback and DWH links by running the below commands one by one:
    • admin db create-db-link
    • admin db create-db-link -Dtype=app -Dsysusername=postgres -Dsyspassword=<password> --replace with the actual password.
      Note: Needs to be run with a superuser DB account
  2. Restart the services