Running a Gen 8.6 EJB Web Service under Java 17 (IBM Liberty)
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Running a Gen 8.6 EJB Web Service under Java 17 (IBM Liberty)


Article ID: 366753


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Running Gen 8.6 EJB Web Service applications deployed on IBM Liberty application server (installed on z/OS) which is currently using a Java 8 JVM.
The developers also have Java 8 & Java EE SDK 8 installed and setup in the Gen 8.6 Build tool.

The EJB Web Services are being consumed from other Native Java, Angular, .NET and other modern technology clients i.e. no Gen generated web clients are being used.
Those clients call the Web Service using http via a SOAP call or via a REST API (created using own Middleware with SOAP to REST format conversions) and RMI is not being used.

In the Build Tool Assemble step the Application Server type selected is GENERIC (Liberty is not officially certified with Gen 8.6 yet).

It is planned to upgrade the Java version of IBM Liberty AS to Java 17. 
Will there be any impact on the applications already developed and deployed (runtimes, business applications etc.), and also do the developers need to make any changes to their Java/Java EE SDK versions or any Build Tool Profile settings?


Both Java 17 and Liberty certification are on the planned certifications list for this calendar year per this Gen EDGE Community post: Gen 8.6 Certification plans for 2024.
Gen Engineering has not yet completed the certifications of Liberty or Java 17.  Also the first round of Liberty certification work does not include Liberty on z/OS.
Subject to the above caveats, it is expected an EJB Web service complied with Java 8 along with its Gen Java runtimes (also compiled with Java 8) will run without problems under Liberty (z/OS) using Java 17. So the developers should not have to make any Java version changes.