MUX - Resource Department OBS - Unable to filter on Units and Descendants
Article ID: 366740
Updated On:
Clarity PPM SaaSClarity PPM On Premise
In MUX trying to filter on Resource OBS in Staffing or Resources workspaces, when using the Resource - Department field there is no option to select Units and Descendants as in Classic. How to filter on top level OBS for Resource and have the unit and descendants too?
Here is how to filter by top level of the Resource OBS department in MUX:
You have to use the field called Department OBS (Resource).
The regular Department field will not have the additional Unit and Descendants drop down.
If you do not see the Department OBS (Resource) field, proceed with the below steps to activate it for MUX:
Go to Clarity Administration - Studio - Object "Resource" - Attributes
Find the attribute called Department OBS
Add API Attribute ID i.e. obs_department
Save and Return
Now go to MUX Staffing - Allocation by Resource
Add Filter - Department OBS (Resource)
You can then filter on your top level OBS and select Unit and Descendants